Sunday 29 April 2012

Shoota Boyz

‘ Right boyz, ‘erez what your gonna do. Take these bitz of ragz, made special, like the surroundin’z, put ‘em on your ‘ead, sneak right up to da ‘oomins and shoot’em up real good.’ sneared Nob Fang Damme, pointing at the two boxes in front of him. One of the boxes contained Shootaz, the other  camouflage nets. None of the gathered boyz moved.
 ‘Sneakin’? Ain’t that a bit...not orky Boss. I want to thump ‘em, not play hide ‘en sneak with ‘em.’ A boy named Wortzod replied, clearly confused.
 Fang Damme roared with laughter, he had hoped for that response. He picked up a shoota, spat on the ground, aimed at nearby grot and fired, leaving a bloody smear where the grot had stood. ‘You boyz, clearly ‘aven’t shot one ov dese close range. And if any ov your shoots miss, you can thump ‘em aswell.’
At that, the boyz all surged forward, diving at the two boxes. Fang Damme watched the chaos happily, ‘dis is gonna be a good mob’ he thought as he watched one boy rip off another’s ear in the frenzy, ‘a good mob indeed’.

Hi again,
So I've started a new unit, a unit of shoota boyz. I wanted these to stand out from the unit of choppa and madboyz on the battle field. I decided a good way to do this would be by adding some camoflage cloaks.

So here is the 1st shoota boy:

More soon :)


  1. Love the camo cloaks, very nicely done. The visible touches of blue warpaint is great as well, small details like that and the mushroom really makes him pop.

    1. Thank you Rictus.

      Whenever I play against horde armies I find it annoying when I can't tell where one unit begins and another ends. As a result, I decided to make an effort to make my units look noticable different from one and other- hence the cloak idea :)
